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Our classes:

Lyrical Dance 

A fusion of ballet, jazz and contemporary dance with an emotive theme. Two separate classes for ages 5 - 18 years old.


Basic technique to improve posture, flexibility and extension to become more competent when executing more challenging dance routines.

Cheer Dance 

Pom Dance classes for ages 5 - 18. Competing at Regional and National level. Performing at local events.

Musical Theatre Jazz, Drama and Singing

Working towards an annual musical performance combining drama, singing and dance skills throughout.


A class using themes of traditional karate training through fighting ,self-defence, mental and moral aspects.

Hip Hop/ Street Dance

A competitive Hip Hop group aged 9 -16 years old. Competing at Regional and National level.

Mixed Style/Commercial Dance

A class using the latest dance styles as seen on music videos.  Four separate classes for  Ages 5 - 16 years old dependant on age and ability.


Basic gymnastic skills focusing on twists, flips, roles and jumps enabling young people to enhance skills for competitions

Djembe Drumming 

DJEMBE – "everyone gather together in peace"

Originally from Mali in Western Africa. Musicians use the Djembe (JEM BEH) as the instrument of dance at important social gatherings such as Marriages, Baptisms and Funerals.

Sessions will develop each week, using counting and rhythms learnt from previous lessons.

No experience required – come with an open mind and a willing attitude to learn.

Sports Skills

A class that teaches different sports skills. How to condition your body ready to participate and play team sports with others.


Sessions for all abilities, with qualified coaches. Learning discipline and fitness skills and improving technique.


How to Help:

We are a non-profit charity organisation who are supported by funding from our local and national funders..

The work we do to helping keep children off the streets and away from crime is truly rewarding . However we always need more support..lf you can donate time, sponsorship or funding to our wonderful charity please contact us.

Thank you

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A massive big thank you to Jennifer Welsh from Lineham Farm and MOTORCYCLE ACTION GROUP  for supporting our young people at Gipton Together with Easter Egg donations...Thank you

Getting Our Groove On!

Our Timetable

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Thankyou to The World Gold Council for your generous donation. The Young People have asked for the donation to be used for some equipment and to update our training uniforms.


© Gipton Together Charity. Proudly created with

Call us:


Find us: 

Henry Barran Centre, Amberton Grove, Gipton, Leeds LS83JR

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